Friday, March 20, 2009


Sylvanas and the Forsaken have joined the Horde. Though they are said to care little about the alliance, they seem to show sympathy for the blood elves. This could be because of Sylvanas' undying love for her ancestral homeland. In life, she was a devoted soldier and the Ranger-General of Silvermoon, and fought valiantly against the horrors of the Scourge. Her lust for vengeance upon the Scourge could imply that the desecration of Quel'thalas affected her deeply, and that even though she is Queen of the Forsaken, somewhere in her soul she is still Sylvanas the High Elf of Quel'thalas. Their ultimate goal is establishing a place for themselves in a world that hates them, and creating a plague capable of wiping out the undead Scourge; they will wipe out anyone who stands in their way. They harbor no allegiance to their former allies, and vice versa. The Forsaken's alliance with the Horde is one of mere convenience.

The Tauren are one of the oldest races in Azeroth, a proud and tenacious race with bull-like features and a culture that is very similar to an evolved Native American culture. They are druidic, shamanistic, peaceful, and powerful beings. They resemble minotaurs, having horned bulls heads, large hooves in place of feet, three fingered hands, and a towering body structure. The largest Tauren tribe, the Bloodhoof Tauren, reside on the top of a cluster of tall mesas known as Thunder Bluff, in the grasslands of Mulgore. They are led by the High Chieftan Cairne Bloodhoof.

Mulgore, in Kalimdor, was fought over by the defending Tauren and the marauding Centaur. The Tauren would have been nearly wiped out, but the Orcish Horde, led by the War chief Thrall, intervened and came to the aid of the Tauren at the request of Cairne Bloodhoof. The Tauren were then honor-bound and allied themselves with the Horde.

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