Friday, March 20, 2009


Arthas fought Illidan and defeated him, then went to Icecrown and shattered the Frozen Throne, putting on Ner'zhul's helm. Ner'zhul's soul merged with Arthas' mind and body, and they became one of the most powerful beings on Azeroth. Now, Arthas seeks to rebuild the Scourge, and he prepares to invade Azeroth once more.

Introduced in Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, goblins are diminutive, green-skinned humanoids. The goblins as a whole have always been neutral, however a number of goblins joined the Horde during the timeframe of Warcraft II. Goblin mercenaries are recruitable in Warcraft III. Goblins are not a playable race in World of Warcraft. The goblin capital is Undermine, a city beneath the surface of the island of Kezan. As of March 2009, Kezan has not been included in any game in the Warcraft series.

In World of Warcraft, the Goblins role varies greatly. They range from engineers, to ship captains, to adventurers and merchants. They have several cities which are neutral to both the Horde and Alliance.

* Booty Bay, a sea port located on the southern most point of Stranglethorn Vale.
* Ratchet, a sea port located on the eastern beaches of The Barrens.
* Gadgetzan, a town located in northern Tanaris (a desert region).
* Area 52, a "top secret" engineer town in Netherstorm that has an X-52 rocket in construction (potentially for space flight).
* Everlook, a town in Winterspring.
* K3, a town in The Storm Peaks (near the new Dalaran in Northrend).

Recently, they have also set up several outposts in Northrend.

Goblin Engineers are best known for their affinity for explosives, their signature explosives being the Goblin Sapper Charges, a portable explosive which upon detonation deals devastating damage to anyone in its wake. Rocket launchers, various experimental explosives, and dangerous "Dimensional Rippers" make up most their arsenal of flimsy, yet devastating equipment.

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