Friday, March 20, 2009

After the Third War

The Third War was spearheaded by Kil'jaedan's pet the Lich King (Ner'zhul) who destroyed the Kingdom of Lordaeron and shattered the Human Alliance, which paved the way for the summoning of Archimonde at Dalaran and the Legion invasion that finished off at the Battle Of Mount Hyjal. There the joined forces of humans, orcs and night elves defeated the Burning Legion with the death of Archimonde. The most noticeable agents of the Burning Legion are Mannoroth, the brothers, Archimonde and Kil'jaeden of the Eredar, the Dread Lords of the Nathrezim and previously Ner'zhul, the warlock of the shadow council and now the dreaded Lich King.

After the Third War the Legion has tried to destroy the Frozen Throne and kill Ner'zhul to eliminate the Scourge threat due to the Lich King's defection from the Legion. Their first attempt was through Illidan Stormrage who tried to use the Eye of Sargeras to destroy the Frozen Throne through massive seismic tremors. The attempt failed however as night elves led by Illidan's brother Malfurion Stormrage and Maiev Shadowsong arrived and disrupted the casting. Illidan then fled to Outland (the remains of the world of Draenor) to escape Kil'jaedan's wrath. Inevitably, Kil'jaeden located Illidan and gave him one final chance to destroy the Frozen Throne. In the end it led to a showdown between Arthas, the former Prince of Lordaeron turned death knight and Illidan himself. In the end Arthas defeated Illidan leaving him to die in the frozen wastes. After his failure, Illidan returned to Outland with his lieutenants Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider and Lady Vashj. Illidan no longer serves the Legion, but Kael'thas has turned his loyalties to Kil'jaedan. Kael'thas' last known whereabouts are on the Isle of Quel'danas, where he attempted to summon Kil'jaedan into Azeroth through the Sunwell, which would have started a fourth invasion of Azeroth. Due to the efforts of several venerable adventurers, he did not succeed.

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